About StopAfib.org
Our founder, Mellanie True Hills, has been free of atrial fibrillation since 2005. She created StopAfib.org as a patient-to-patient resource to share what she and other atrial fibrillation patients have learned. Our mission is to provide you with the information and answers you need to take control of your afib and keep it from hijacking your life.
StopAfib.org is part of the American Foundation for Women’s Health. But we’re not just for women. We’re here for anyone—patients, families, and caregivers—living with the life-changing effects of afib. You’re not alone. We’re here to help you get your life back.
Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.®
Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference
Featuring World-Renowned Afib Experts
Get ReplaysMellanie True Hills
Founder & CEO, StopAfib.org
Providing Resources for You
As an afib patient, you probably have many questions and not enough time with your doctor to get all the answers. We hope that you will find many of those answers here. We want you to know your options so that you can make your best choices. We’re here to help you.
If you’re not getting the answers you need, please research in our Afib Services Directory to find afib services to treat and manage your afib. This locator will help you find hospitals, heart hospitals, arrhythmia centers, electrophysiologists, cardiologists, and surgeons that provide atrial fibrillation services. You will also find reviews by patients just like yourself. Please note that we request positive reviews from patients, so providers with more reviews would generally indicate more happy patients and better overall results.
Atrial fibrillation patients are our #1 priority. We’re not pushing products or services, and we don’t accept advertising. Our goal is for this site to be an unbiased informational resource for you.
Those doctors and facilities with expanded listings in our Afib Services Directory provide you information about their services and help defray the operational costs of providing these resources for you. Thus, they are considered site sponsors. Additionally, companies mentioned on this site may donate to StopAfib.org, but they don’t receive favored treatment. Again, afib patients are our first priority. We are a non-profit organization committed to helping you take control of your afib.
Our Content
This is a patient-driven site. Most of our content has been written by Mellanie True Hills, an atrial fibrillation patient whose afib is now under control. We also have some health writers who research and write news stories and updated content for us. In most such cases, the author is listed. Where articles have been written by medical personnel, such as members of our Medical Advisory Board, their names and credentials are noted. Unless otherwise noted, no content has been written by medical personnel.
Since we are not doctors or trained medical personnel, we cannot guarantee 100% medical accuracy. This site is meant to educate you to be a proactive partner with your healthcare team to manage your afib together, but it does not replace that relationship.
Listings in our Atrial Fibrillation Services Directory are provided to give patients the information with which to narrow their search for physicians and facilities. The information in the directory is submitted by individual providers. While we review and approve listings, we cannot verify every detail of every listing. It is thus your responsibility as a patient to not act solely on the information here but to verify it with the provider chosen.
Patient reviews submitted to us must include names and contact information so that we may verify them. However, when warranted, we will omit names as many afib patients cannot have employers or colleagues knowing such personal medical details, but we will know the sources of those patient reviews.
Our goal is to build an atrial fibrillation community through communication, conversation, and collaboration in our StopAfib Discussion Forum and Atrial Fibrillation Blog. We’d love your participation and hope that you will share your story there.
If you find errors in this site, or want to clarify anything that is here, or if there is something you’d like for us to address, please Contact Us.
You Don't Have to Go It Alone
StopAfib.org was created for patients by patients to provide accurate information and genuine support for those affected by atrial fibrillation. Explore our online community and connect with other patients, families, and caregivers.
Our Global Medical Advisory Board
The StopAfib.org Medical Advisory Board is made up of some of the world’s foremost atrial fibrillation experts. They help us address current and future atrial fibrillation treatments.
Our Funding
We are a patient-funded site. Thus, we appreciate our individual and corporate donors and hospitals and doctors who purchase featured listings in our Afib Services Locator. All of these supporters help us build and operate this atrial fibrillation patient resource for you.
If you, or your organization, can help with this mission, please Contact Us to discuss how you can help, or Donate Now to StopAfib.org. Thank you for your support and help.
Follow the links below to learn more about us or to donate to help us continue to provide resources for you: