Announcing the Fourth Annual Judy Currier Scholarship to Attend the 2019 Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference
Update: We have exceeded our scholarship funds at this time. Any new applications will be placed on the waiting list should those who have been granted scholarships need to cancel.
May 2, 2019
- Summary: announces the Fourth Annual Judy Currier Scholarship to attend the 2019 Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference
- Reading time: 3–4 minutes.
Judy and Mellanie at the Discovery Channel’s Red Carpet Premiere of A Heartbeat Away From Stroke
It is our mission at to empower as many people as possible with the most up-to-date information about afib treatment, so they can get their lives back.
To that end, we are fiercely dedicated to providing you with the information and confidence you need to work effectively with your healthcare team.
That’s why we work so hard to ensure our annual Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference is as affordable as possible. We dedicate countless hours not only to putting together the best possible content from the most knowledgeable experts, but also to working diligently with sponsors to keep the cost of registration down (other conferences with faculty members of this caliber typically cost as much as $1,000-$2,000, and they don’t even include food).
In fact, while the cost of food has increased dramatically over the past several years (your registration includes coffee/tea, two lunches, and five snack breaks), our registration fee has remained steady, at $197 (you likely spend more than that on out-of-pocket medical costs, which you may be able to decrease, or even eliminate altogether, by attending the conference!).
We consider the conference to be our gift to you, at this price point—a labor of love, for all people living with afib.
Still, we understand that the costs of traveling, including the hotel stay, may make it difficult to attend the conference.
That’s why I wanted to make you aware of the Fourth Annual Judy Currier Scholarship.
Judy Currier and I (Mellanie True Hills, founder) were the first members of the discussion forum, and we became good friends on a shared mission to keep others from going through afib-related issues or having afib-related strokes.
Several years ago, Judy’s sister stopped taking her blood thinner after her afib stopped. Sadly, she suffered a massive, deadly stroke shortly thereafter.
When I started planning our first conference, Judy was instrumental in helping me develop the agenda. Her support was unwavering.
Judy experienced lifelong complications from being left in afib for far too long, and we lost her four years ago, just a couple of days before our second Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference.
In fact, we dedicated that conference to her memory.
Judy provided a bequest to, and from that, we’ve created the Judy Currier Scholarship to help those who really need to attend the conference, but aren’t in a position, financially, to do so.
Just as we always have, we’re confident that Judy would see the conference as a gift, and that she would have loved for us to use her bequest this way—helping afib patients who need it most.
If you know you can benefit from attending the conference and would like to apply for the Fourth Annual Judy Currier Scholarship—or, you’re already attending but would like to apply for a scholarship on behalf of a loved one so he or she can attend with you, we ask that you apply using the link below.
Click Here To Access The Fourth Annual Judy Currier Scholarship Application.
Note: All submissions will be kept in confidence. When we receive your submission, we’ll send you an email response within one or two business days. If you don’t receive it, please email us at and let us know, in case there were technical difficulties. We notify scholarship recipients via email as soon as possible so you have time to make your travel arrangements.
Finally, be sure to apply right away. We will begin allocating funds to applicants as soon as we begin receiving applications, and will do so until the funds are expended.
If you’d like to learn more about the 2019 Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference, you can do so here.
Note: If you’re a recipient of the Judy Currier Scholarship, you will still be responsible for transportation to and from the event, and meals not provided by the conference, as well as some or all of your hotel costs. In our efforts to help as many people as possible attend the conference with the funds available, we cannot cover all conference-related costs for every scholarship recipient.