Extraordinary Opportunity to Become a Research Advocate

Atrial fibrillation advocates wanted for research-advocacy training program

July 31, 2020

  • Summary: Extraordinary Opportunity to Become a Research Advocate
  • Reading time:  1 minute

StopAfib.org is a member of the Alliance for Aging Research’s Senior Patient and Family Caregiver Network (SP&FCN) Advisory Council. One of our roles is to disseminate information about a research-advocacy training program designed to empower senior patients and their family caregivers to engage in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).

This training will help prepare advocates to serve as merit reviewers for organizations such as the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute or the National Institutes of Health; sit on research-related committees such as Institutional Review Boards; and partner with researchers in designing, implementing, or disseminating research. We also hope that participants will bring the training back to their communities

See below for the formal announcement about this program and how you can apply to participate.

Extraordinary Opportunity to Become a Research Advocate

The Alliance for Aging Research’s Senior Patient & Family Caregiver Network (SP&FCN) empowers older adults and their caregivers to collaborate with physicians and researchers on patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) related to (1) Alzheimer’s disease, (2) heart valve disease, (3) atrial fibrillation, (4) chronic pain and/or disability, (5) macular degeneration in adults age 65 years and older, and 6) sarcopenia. To achieve this goal, we will train about 35 patients/caregivers through a six-week online workshop and mentoring program.

Beginning in mid-October, participants will meet once a week, for six weeks from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time, to learn from researchers in the field and each other. Participants will also complete weekly assignments and have other opportunities to collaborate online. The workshop will culminate in individualized action plans for each participant.

By completing the course, participants will learn the following:

  • The purpose of—and best practices in—Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR);
  • How to develop research questions meaningful to older adults;
  • Key scientific tools and concepts to better understand health research; and
  • How to put this training to work.

We are looking for advocates who are:

  • Engaged in advocacy in one of the priority health conditions
  • Excited to learn about medical research. There is NO prior knowledge or expertise required.
  • Able to participate in six 90-minute online sessions. You do NOT need to be tech savvy in any way; we will walk you through every step of the “online” process.
  • Complete 3-5 hours of homework prior to each session. (No grading we promise!)

Participants successfully completing the workshop will receive a stipend of $400 and a Certificate of Completion for participating in the training.

Course Sessions Schedule

  • Session One: What is Patient-Centered Outcomes Research?
    Wednesday, October 14, 2020
  • Session Two: How does medical research work?
    Wednesday, October 21, 2020
  • Session Three: How do I analyze medical research?
    Wednesday, October 28, 2020
  • Session Four: How do I find and evaluate clinical trials?
    Wednesday, November 4, 2020
  • Session Five: What does PCOR advocacy actually look like?
    Wednesday, November 11, 2020
  • Session Six: What’s my plan for getting involved and learning more? Thursday, November 19, 2020

How to Apply

Anyone who is engaged in advocacy in one of the priority health conditions, excited to learn about medical research, and willing to make full commitment to the six-week program, is encouraged to apply by emailing Sarah DiGiovine at sdigiovine@agingresearch.org.