Help Us Create a Stroke-Free World

You Can Make a Huge Impact by
Helping Create a Stroke-Free World
While Helping Yourself to Get Your Life Back
Each year, 1.7 million people worldwide die or are disabled by a stroke caused by atrial fibrillation. We can put an end to that, giving those with atrial fibrillation, and their families, their lives back. That is our mission here at Please consider making a gift today to help us do that. You can make a secure tax-deductible donation here, or click on the red Donate Now button.
Donate Now Secure donations through Network for Good
With your donation, you will not only support research, but will help yourself to manage your, or a loved one’s, atrial fibrillation.
We are a non-profit organization/charity, so this gift is tax deductible for most people. You can make a gift at our Donations page (or click on our red Donate button just below the menu). Join the many members of the atrial fibrillation community who support this mission on a regular basis.
With your support, maybe one day we can wipe out afib and strokes!
With sincerest thanks,
Mellanie True Hills and
The Team
P.S. For more ways to help, when you do your shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to (the American Foundation for Women’s Health). It does not cost extra, so please support us by using when you shop. Thanks.
About is a patient-to-patient resource for those living with atrial fibrillation. Founded by author and speaker Mellanie True Hills, CSP, an atrial fibrillation survivor, focuses on improving the quality of life for patients and their families, supporting the doctor-patient relationship, and wiping out Afib-related strokes worldwide. is among the top heart condition sites worldwide and has received HON Code Certification from the Health on the Net Foundation, signifying a credible, trustworthy medical web site. Notable resources include the Get Started Learning about Afib Guide and videos of the National AF Patient Conference. To learn more, visit Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. is a division of the non-profit American Foundation for Women’s Health.