Information from the 2016 Atrial Fibrillation Symposium about Afib Stroke Risk and Blood Thinners

February 18, 2015

  • Summary: Information about afib stroke risk and blood thinners from the 2016 Atrial Fibrillation Symposium
  • Reading time: 1 minute

At the recent 2016 Atrial Fibrillation Symposium, I gleaned many interesting pieces of information about stroke risk and blood thinners from the experts’ presentations, which I then posted over at the blog (a site co-developed by American Heart Association and

Some of these things we already knew, and some were totally new. They came from research studies and best practices by top experts and their institutions.

These nuggets are good food for thought and for discussing with your doctors. See them at the My AFib Experience blog at:

New Information on Afib Stroke Risk and Blood Thinners from the 2016 AF Symposium