As a founding member of the AF Stat coalition, would like to invite you to attend the next AF Stat meeting. You can attend via webcast or in person in Washington, DC. You will get to hear from (and maybe even meet) an illustrious group of speakers, including Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, …
Read MoreYearly Archives: 2010
Today is a very special day for founder Mellanie True Hills as she celebrates five years of being afib-free as a result of her minimally-invasive (mini maze) procedure. It is also National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, so today is the perfect day to make a big announcement. is very pleased to announce our …
Read MoreA new study exploring ethnic differences in stroke risk for people with atrial fibrillation (AF) showed that Mexican American stroke survivors with afib were more than twice as likely to have another stroke as comparable non-Hispanic white stroke survivors with afib. Researchers were surprised by the study’s finding that severity of recurrent stroke is also …
Read MoreToday is a very special day – it's the start of the fourth annual National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month. In celebration, is kicking off a new initiative asking YOU to Take a Stand against Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke. We are launching the new Take a Stand video that shares important statistics about the impact …
Read asks you to take a stand against atrial fibrillation (AF or afib) and stroke by viewing and sharing the Take a Stand video and by educating yourself with the Get Started Learning About Atrial Fibrillation Guide. ( Please share this video with family and friends to help wipe out …
Read MoreWhether you're an atrial fibrillation patient or caregiver, or are just interested in learning more about afib, check out the new Get Started Learning About Atrial Fibrillation Guide at You'll find a wealth of information, including: what afib is and the problems it causes, including stroke and congestive heart failure information about an afib …
Read MoreHere is an interesting webcast replay that you may want to check out if you're interested in having a catheter ablation or surgery for atrial fibrillation. In this webcast, cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Andy C. Kiser and electrophysiologist Dr. Mark Landers, both of Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina, perform a Convergent Procedure. This procedure, …
Read MoreToday we're featuring a replay of a webcast of a Total Thoracoscopic Maze (TTM), a minimally invasive (mini maze) procedure for atrial fibrillation. The webcast, from PinnacleHealth, features Dr. Mubashir A. Mumtaz, cardiothoracic surgeon, and Dr. David C. Man, electrophysiologist. Watch the replay: Replay of Total Thoracoscopic Maze Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation Treatment
Read interviews Dr. Peter Kowey See the full transcript at: In this video interview at Boston Atrial Fibrillation Symposium 2010, Dr. Peter Kowey talked about a number of exciting new things in the atrial fibrillation world, including the Cabana clinical trials, the Safari catheter ablation registry, dronedarone as a …
Read interviews Dr. Emelia Benjamin of the Framingham Heart Study. See a full transcript of the interview at: Dr. Benjamin talked about risk factors for atrial fibrillation, including advancing age, gender, high blood pressure, valvular heart disease, heart failure, longer PR-interval, and biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and …
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