2013 Atrial Fibrillation Conference: Afib Medications & Stroke Prevention: Eric Prystowsky, MD

Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference
See all conference videos, and download the slides, at:

Here, Dr. Eric Prystowsky discusses treatments for atrial fibrillation, including rate control and rhythm control, as well as use of anticoagulants to prevent afib-related strokes.

At the conclusion of his presentation, StopAfib.org founder Mellanie True Hills bestowed upon Dr. Prystowsky the first ever “Advocate for Patients” Award for his work in bringing afib patients to the table where decisions are made about our care and his ongoing quest to “Preserve the Brain” through educating doctors and patients.

Learn how to get in rhythm and stay in rhythm by watching videos of the Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference that was held in Dallas on November 2, 2013. At the conference, presentations by leading afib experts provided atrial fibrillation patients, families, and caregivers with the information to manage afib and get appropriate care. More conference videos are at: http://www.stopafib.org/newsitem.cfm/NEWSID/482/

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