Professor Dr. Bianca Brundel, from the Amsterdam University Medical Center in the Netherlands, is a favorite presenter at the Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm ® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference each year. She is at the leading edge of practical basic science research for afib. At the conference, she provides updates on her afib patient-driven …
Will your Medicare drug plan cover your medications next year? It’s worth checking one last time before the December 7 enrollment deadline. We hear about formulary changes every year, especially among anticoagulants (blood thinners) and antiarrhythmic drugs. Some formularies stop covering medications that have been covered for years. If your plan drops your medications from …
Can GeranylGeranylAcetone (GGA) prevent Development of Atrial Fibrillation? December 1, 2024 Summary: The Patient-Funded GENIALITY Trial of GGA for preventing atrial fibrillation is ready to start recruiting. Reading time: 4–5 minutes Professor Dr. Bianca Brundel, from the Amsterdam University Medical Center in the Netherlands, is a favorite presenter at the Get in Rhythm. Stay in …