interviews Dr. Sanjiv Narayan of the University of California, San Diego Find more information on this topic, and Dr. Narayan, at: In this video interview at Heart Rhythm 2012, Dr. Sanjiv Narayan updates us on the progress of his FIRM (focal impulse and rotor modulation) ablation research and what has happened since we last interviewed him in 2011. Since that time, other centers have duplicated his results in ablating rotors and focal beats, effectively wiping out afib in just minutes. This was definitely the buzz at Heart Rhythm Society. Dr. Narayan is Associate Professor of Medicine in Residence, Co-Director of the EP Fellowship Training Program, and Director of the VA EP Program at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
Atrial Fibrillation & FIRM Ablation — interviews Dr. Sanjiv Narayan

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