Mellanie True Hills, founder and CEO of and an atrial fibrillation survivor, is an invited speaker for the Fourth Annual Western Atrial Fibrillation Symposium taking place February 25-26, 2011 in Park City, UT. Symposium Director Dr. Nassir F. Marrouche says, ” For the first time, the faculty includes someone representing the patients.”
Atrial Fibrillation Patient to Speak at Western Atrial Fibrillation Symposium

I am 67 yrs old, have had afib for ten years. All pills so far do not work on my afib. Even went through Tycosin four day hospital trial with bad results. They had to try shocking my heart “six” times to try and achieve regular sinus rhythm that only lasted less than a minute.
My EP Dr. has recommended the AV Node Ablation/ Pacemaker operation here in Las Vegas. I went to Scripps Afib Hospital in La Jolla, CA for a second opinion. The head of Afib. EP Dr’s wondered my EP Dr. had not prescribed the Pradaxa (dabigatran) pill which is the latest that has had good results.
My delima is should I fool around with another pill that may not work or go for the AV Node Ablation/ Pacemaker? I have Hemophilia factor 9 (with only a 3 rating) which 60 is the best factor 9.. So any operation is dicey.
Please advise.
Thank You,
Tom Guest
At 67, you seem much too young for AV node ablation. That is generally for those too frail for other procedures.
I don’t have enough knowledge of Factor 9 to ask good questions of you, but if the head of afib at Scripps suggested Pradaxa, knowing about your Factor 9, then you’re probably OK with it. However, Pradaxa isn’t to stop the afib; it is to prevent strokes.
If you have AV node ablation, it won’t stop the afib, so you’ll still need Coumadin, Pradaxa, or similar for the rest of your life, and with Factor 9, that could be an issue. I just don’t know.
If you’re going to consider surgery, would it make sense to try to stop the afib rather than simply becoming pacemaker-dependent while still having afib? You might take some time to read through the Can Afib Be Cured section of our site, at
I am 61 year old caucasion female…morbidly obese but good cardiac health as confirmed by a cardiac cath (which I needed to have done to prior to starting a medication). I am currently trying to make a decision about having and AV Node ablation. I was under pretty good control until I had to have the pacemaker battery changed last September…since then my AF has not been under control and we have tried all the medicines… I have had AF for years..sometimes well controlled by medications, but times when it is not under any contol and have had 2 ablations done that failed within an hour of the procedures being done.
I would really like to figure out the etiology of the problem and treat the issue but it seems like that isn’t part of the diagnostic work up. I am wonderfing if there is any value in trying medications that I have not used for a very long time thinking I may respond to them now.Would getting a second opinion be a good idea at this point and if so where would the best place to get that?
Your case may be too complex to try to discuss here. You may want to join us and share it on the discussion forum: (Instructions for registering & getting started are here: We welcome you to join us.
I just turned 18, and in May when I was still 17 I have my first ablation. It wasn’t a good experience. I ended up waking up all the way on the table and starting screaming from pain. I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I know they said I wasn’t supposed to remember anything but I did. I’m 5’7 and weigh 110 lbs. so they under estimated the amount of drugs they needed to give to me. When the doctor told my parents 5 hours into the surgery they were upset, although I don’t blame the doctor. I am due for my second in December, they are going to do it two days are Christmas. I act like I’m not scared but Im petrified, but I have been hospitalized several time due to extreme symptoms. I use to be active. I played volleyball, basketball and I was a great track runner. I haven’t been able to do any of it in years. Any opinions on what I should do?
I’m so sorry about what you went through. How horrible! Is this ablation being done by the same doctor as before? If so, you’ll probably want to discuss the trauma you went through and discuss what they can and will do differently this time. If it’s a different doctor, then he or she needs to know all about what you went through and discuss with you how to avoid that this time. In addition, they may have suggestions as to how to ease you into the procedure this time so you’re not freaked out over it. Good luck.