interviews Dr. Albert Waldo of Case Western Reserve University Find more information on this topic, and Dr. Waldo, at: In this video interview at Heart Rhythm 2012, Dr. Albert Waldo, one of the world’s foremost atrial fibrillation treatment experts, discusses why aspirin no longer plays a role in stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation and how aspirin has already been removed from various guidelines around the world. He cites numerous studies that have found aspirin to be no better than a placebo, and to have greater bleeding risks than the newer anticoagulants. Dr. Waldo is the Walter H. Pritchard Professor of Cardiology, as well as Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.
Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke Prevention, & Aspirin Use — interviews Dr. Albert Waldo

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