Here in Part 1, Dr. Michael Argenziano talks about the atrial fibrillation surgical procedures that he does, including the bi-atrial modified maze for those who have scarred atria due to failed catheter ablations. He talks about patients with poor ventricular function or an enlarged left atrium as well as Ganglionectomy to remove abnormal nerve connections on the surface of the heart that can cause atrial fibrillation. See Part 2 for additional information about atrial fibrillation procedures. Dr. Argenziano is the Director of the Surgical Arrhythmia Program at NY-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. Of note is that he is a colleague of Dr. Mehmet Oz of Oprah and the Dr. Oz Show fame as well as author of the YOU books., at, is for atrial fibrillation patients by afib patients. A full video transcript can be found at
Atrial Fibrillation Surgery– interviews Dr. Michael Argenziano (Part 1)

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