Are you in the San Francisco area, or can you get there? Please join us for the Kickoff Conference of the Health eHeart Alliance Patient-Powered Research Network on November 6–7. We will identify research needs of the afib patient community and potential ways to address those needs. To learn more about the alliance and the …
Do you ever feel that your brain isn't functioning to the best of its ability? Do you ever feel like you have brain fog, low energy, or poor memory? Brain issues are common as we age, but they are NOT normal! That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce you to my dear friend, Tana Amen, and … partnered with the Cleveland Clinic to give you an opportunity to ask questions of their atrial fibrillation experts, Dr. Walid Saliba and Dr. Oussama Wazni. The video of our afib community chat with these atrial fibrillation experts from the Cleveland Clinic is now available. This chat features a wealth of information. To learn more, …
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Heart Truth® program invited me to be an Ambassador for their May Move It Challenge. This week is Women’s Health Week and May is also Stroke Month. Staying active and healthy is good for those with afib, so please join me each day for the week’s #MoveItMay activities: Monday, May 12: Do …
Learn more about atrial fibrillation at the Heart Rhythm Society “AFib Feels Like” event on May 7, 2014, in San Francisco. founder, Mellanie True Hills, will speak about managing afib and advocating for yourself. There will be yoga sessions as well. Learn more at: joins with Heart Rhythm Society for “AFib Feels Like” …
Atrial fibrillation is the most common irregular heart rhythm that starts in the atria. While it is often a mere annoyance, it can also be responsible for life-threatening medical emergencies that result in cardiac arrest, stroke, and sudden death. Take advantage of the opportunity to get your atrial fibrillation questions answered by afib experts from the …
Mellanie True Hills, founder of, and electrophysiologist Dr. Hetal Bhakta will keynote Desert Regional Medical Center’s free seminar and health fair on February 14, 2014. To learn more, see: “Affair of the Heart” event partnered with the Cleveland Clinic to give you an opportunity to ask questions of their atrial fibrillation experts, Dr. Walid Saliba, Dr. Oussama Wazni, and Dr. Mandeep Bhargava, along with founder Mellanie True Hills. The transcript of our afib community chat with these atrial fibrillation experts from the Cleveland Clinic is now available. …
With just two days left, we are a long way from meeting our annual year-end fundraising goal to help defray the costs of the AF Patient Conference videos. Can you help? If these videos have helped you, please help us so that we can continue to provide you with resources for free. And please spread …
At the Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference, Dr. Robert Kowal and Mellanie True Hills tag-teamed to help patients understand how to communicate with their doctors and how to live with afib. Dr. Kowal first discussed getting the most from your doctor, including who to see and when to see them. …