In this study, researchers at UMass Chan Medical School are inviting African American and other Black patients with atrial fibrillation (afib) to participate in a program about the power of storytelling. Specifically, they want to see if watching patients tell their stories of successfully taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) can help other patients start and continue …
A new clinical trial is enrolling afib patients who, because of your doctor’s decision or your preference, are not currently taking an anticoagulant (blood thinner) to reduce the risk of clots and stroke. The LILAC – TIMI 76 trial will evaluate a monthly medication from a new class of anticoagulants. This clinical trial is recruiting …
People living with afib often ask if it is safe and effective to take blood thinners as “pill in the pocket” medications. We don’t have the answer yet. However, a new study seeks to answer that question. In the survey that many of you responded to in 2021, you expressed an interest in participating in … applauds the American College of Cardiology (ACC), American Heart Association (AHA), American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), and Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) for the newly released 2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Learn …
It’s American Heart Month! Have you seen the new No Time to Wait public service announcements on TV this month? We are proud to be part of this campaign to raise awareness of atrial fibrillation during American Heart Month. To learn more about this campaign, see:For millions of US adults experiencing AFib symptoms, this is …
Are you an athlete, or someone for whom exercise is, or has been, a major part of your life? If so, please help with this survey to learn how Afib and its treatment affects the well-being of athletes. The survey is in collaboration with Rachel Lampert, MD, a Yale electrophysiologist. Whether you are still exercising …
I-STOP-AFib is a study focused on helping afib patients track and potentially test their personal afib triggers through the use of a smartphone app. This study will use online surveys and mobile technology to help you understand how everyday experiences and exposures (such as consuming alcohol, caffeine, going to bed at a different time, or …
You can now watch the fourth and final set of videos from our complimentary master class with Dr. Eric Prystowsky, world-renowned electrophysiologist and advocate for afib patients. In this set of videos, Dr. Prystowsky shares his advice on how to manage stroke risk (with your doctor), as well as how to weigh the risk of …
November 29 is Giving Tuesday, the day of charity and generosity that immediately follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday and kicks off the Giving Season. Each year, 1.7 million people worldwide die or are disabled by afib-related strokes. Through raising awareness and providing education and support, we at are wiping out afib strokes …
The StopAfib community in the US can purchase the Kardia Mobile (AliveCor) EKG Device with an exclusive 25% off discount. The Kardia Mobile is an easy-to-use, powerful, accurate, FDA-approved device that fits in your pocket. It captures a medical-grade EKG in just 30 seconds and determines if your heart rhythm is normal or if you …