An important session at Heart Rhythm Society 2010 was "Medical Issues After Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter." It dealt with what constitutes success following catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (afib) and atrial flutter, and which is more important, the medical definition or the patient's definition. Which definition is used can have implications for treatment …
In this video interview, Dr. Nassir Marrouche, Executive Director of the Comprehensive Arrhythmia Research and Management (CARMA) Center at the University of Utah Health System, discusses the findings he recently presented at the Heart Rhythm Society annual meeting in Denver. He discussed the intriguing way they are using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), to personalize atrial …
At Heart Rhythm 2010 in Denver recently, a session on demographic factors influencing atrial fibrillation management and outcomes featured the following research findings: African Americans Have Less Risk Than Caucasians of Atrial Fibrillation After Bypass Surgery Blacks Have Lower Risk of Atrial Fibrillation After Age 60 Than Whites Despite Higher Risk Factors Women with Atrial …
At Heart Rhythm Society 2010, we saw intriguing new research into personalized afib treatment and stroke prevention that was presented by Dr. Nassir Marrouche and Dr. Marcos Daccarett of the Comprehensive Arrhythmia Research and Management (CARMA) Center at the University of Utah Health System. They have developed a way, using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), to …
One of the most interesting things about atrial fibrillation is how geography—the location where you grew up, where you live now, and even where you visit—can affect your risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke. A fascinating map from the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) dramatically illustrates which parts of the country had …
One of the most common questions we get centers around the use of anticoagulant drugs—either the brand drug, Coumadin, or the generic version, warfarin—and whether or not an atrial fibrillation patient should be on them. Anticoagulants decrease stroke risk, but can also increase bleeding risk. How do you sort it all out? It's just as …
New studies from the Mayo Clinic and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) show that African Americans are less likely to know they have atrial fibrillation or to be treated with anticoagulants to prevent afib-related strokes, and that stroke deaths are higher among blacks throughout the U.S. and southerners in eight "stroke belt" states. …
There was an update today on the long-awaited FDA status of Atritech's WATCHMAN® device. If approved, it would provide an alternative to taking Coumadin or warfarin to prevent strokes for those with atrial fibrillation. Here are some quotes from the press release. Minneapolis (March 18, 2010) — Atritech, Inc., an emerging medical device company, announced …
Genetic tests that show high or low sensitivity to blood thinner (anticoagulant) drugs like warfarin (Coumadin) not only improve dosing accuracy but also reduce hospitalization by 31%, according to a new study just presented at the American College of Cardiology scientific sessions. Coumadin is often prescribed for people who have afib to prevent blood clots …
A new study just presented at the American College of Cardiology scientific sessions found psoriasis to be a significant and independent risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF) and a stroke risk factor, too. Mild psoriasis increases afib risk by 22% while moderate-to-severe psoriasis raises afib risk by 51%. This chronic inflammatory condition also raises other …