Massachusetts General Hospital and Atrial Fibrillation Foundation present Atrial Fibrillation Patient Education Day in Boston - For Patients. By Patients - Stop Atrial Fibrillation

Join the Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiac Arrhythmia Service & the Atrial Fibrillation Foundation as they present A National Patient Education Day on Atrial Fibrillation.

Details at:  Atrial Fibrillation Patient Education Day

One Response to Massachusetts General Hospital and Atrial Fibrillation Foundation present Atrial Fibrillation Patient Education Day in Boston

  • Ann Eliasson says:

    Good Morning, I was recently in the hospital with Pneumonia and Dehydration and developed Atrial Fibrillation. I am now on Coumadin and the Cardiologist I am seeing has recommended an Ablation. I am looking for more info, and I saw something about an educational seminar but I don,t know when it is or how to register. could you please help me?

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