Mellanie True Hills of was Quoted at - For Patients. By Patients - Stop Atrial Fibrillation

If you’re a Blackberry addict or a stress junkie, which can contribute to atrial fibrillation, you may be interested in this new article in which Mellanie True Hills, CEO of, was quoted.

Mellanie True Hills quoted at

P.S. A reader just sent this additional link for Blackbery addicts:
Texting and walking is bad for your health, emergency-room doctors say
So texting can kill, too.

5 Responses to Mellanie True Hills of was Quoted at

  • Todd Hartley says:


    I wanted to share how grateful I am for your guidance.

    It was virtually 9 months ago when I sat down to interview you about your AFIB experiences for

    In the middle of our interview, while you were explaining your symptoms, first time in my life became aware what you were explaining, I had always felt, but had no idea it was a problem.

    Following our interview I saw a heart specialist and sure enough, I had an irregular beat that needed attention.

    The doctor told me that if I hadn’t discovered my arrhythmia, I’d have a severely weakened heart in 3 years.

    Now, 1 week after my procedure I have you to thank for the wonderfully mellow rhythm I’m now enjoying in my heart.

    Also, I want you to know how grateful I am for your friendship. The day after my procedure you sent me and email asking how I was doing. And when I explain the frustration and disappointment I was experiencing because I was having post-op arrhythmias, once again you were there to offer me the sound advice, that they were normal, due to post-op inflammation and not an indication my procedure didn’t work. Since you set me straight, my post-op arrhythmias decreased instantly, my mood lifted and I’m back to feeling great about this amazing new chance at health.

    Mellanie True Hills, I’m so grateful to have met you and to call you my friend.

    With huge appreciation,

    Todd Hartley

  • Mellanie says:


    I am so glad that you are doing well.

    What a beautiful message. Thank you for your heartfelt comments.

    People are brought into our lives for specific reasons – it was not an accident that we met. Thank you, my friend for letting me be of service to you.

    We stand on the shoulders of those that have come before us, and have an obligation to carry the mission forward, so keep paving the way and lighting the path (sorry for the cliches) for others in your mission to help women. And thanks for coming into my life and helping with my mission to help millions save their own lives.

    I am honored to have met you and to call you my friend.

    Take care my friend.


    P.S. For anyone interested in the video interviews that Todd mentioned…

    1) has a bunch of videotaped segments that Todd and I did on atrial fibrillation and also on heart disease in women – see all these videos at this link:

    2) Todd videotaped my patient story at an atrial fibrillation community symposium in Phoenix – see the 20-minute video at this link: (top video on left side of page)

  • Veronica Dorman says:

    I viewed your video, but you never mentioned the name of your operation. I sure would like to know, because I am going to Scripps June 2 2011 for testing. Very upset with these doctor’s in Las Vegas. Thank you, Veronica Dorman

  • evan howell says:

    Stress,alcohol. exercize, coffee, partying, sleep apnea – all should be in moderation/.controlled. All of these activities have some link to A fib/flutter.

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