Blog - For Patients. By Patients - Stop Atrial Fibrillation

FDA Update on the WATCHMAN® Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Closure Device to Prevent Strokes in Atrial Fibrillation Patients

There was an update today on the long-awaited FDA status of Atritech's WATCHMAN® device. If approved, it would provide an alternative to taking Coumadin or warfarin to prevent strokes for those with atrial fibrillation. Here are some quotes from the press release. Minneapolis (March 18, 2010) — Atritech, Inc., an emerging medical device company, announced …

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Gene Test Improves Coumadin (warfarin) Use for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

Genetic tests that show high or low sensitivity to blood thinner (anticoagulant) drugs like warfarin (Coumadin) not only improve dosing accuracy but also reduce hospitalization by 31%, according to a new study just presented at the American College of Cardiology scientific sessions. Coumadin is often prescribed for people who have afib to prevent blood clots …

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Psoriasis is Newly-Recognized Risk Factor for Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke

A new study just presented at the American College of Cardiology scientific sessions found psoriasis to be a significant and independent risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF) and a stroke risk factor, too. Mild psoriasis increases afib risk by 22% while moderate-to-severe psoriasis raises afib risk by 51%. This chronic inflammatory condition also raises other …

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STOP AF Study Shows that Cryoablation Beats Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Treatment

Important new research from the STOP AF Study of people with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) shows a type of catheter ablation called cryoablation worked better than drugs to control arrhythmias. One year after treatment, 69.9% of people treated with cryoablation had no episodes of afib compared to 7.3% of those who were treated with anti-arrhythmic …

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Coming Soon: AF Stat to launch the “AFib Educator” App and Desktop Widget

The AFib Educator will provide healthcare professionals with an at-hand resource to help illustrate how AFib affects patients including risks and symptoms.The free app and desktop widget will feature detailed animations of the heart, EKG demos and x-ray images. It will also show patients how AFib impacts the flow of blood between the heart's chambers …

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Dr. Andrea Russo on Women and Atrial Fibrillation Treatment and AF Stroke Risk – Video

At Boston Atrial Fibrillation Symposium 2010, Dr. Andrea Russo talked about gender differences in atrial fibrillation treatment, including catheter ablation, as well as women and the risk of stroke from afib. Watch the video: Interview with Dr. Andrea Russo at Boston Atrial Fibrillation Symposium 2010

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Atrial Fibrillation Patients Needed for Medical Opinion Research in Philadelphia, Dallas, and Chicago

We just received the info below, which might be of interest to anyone with afib who is in Philadelphia, Dallas or Chicago... I have a client who would like to interview 45 people in Philadelphia, Dallas and Chicago who have been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, in mid March. These in-person interviews will last for no …

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Dr. Riccardo Cappato on the Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Competitive Athletes – Video

At Boston Atrial Fibrillation Symposium 2010, Dr. Riccardo Cappato talked about the impact of atrial fibrillation on competitive and professional athletes and how catheter ablation for afib has allowed many to return to training and competition. Watch the video, or read the transcript: Dr. Riccardo Cappato Part 2: Discussion of Athletes and Atrial Fibrillation

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Dr. Riccardo Cappato discusses the Second Worldwide Survey on AF Ablation – Video

At Boston Atrial Fibrillation Symposium 2010, Dr. Riccardo Cappato talked about the results of the Second Worldwide Survey on AF Ablation and how catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation has become safer and more effective. Watch the video, or read the transcript: Dr. Riccardo Cappato: Discussion of Second Worldwide Survey on AF Ablation

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An Electrophysiologist Experiences Atrial Fibrillation

We often hear atrial fibrillation patients say that they wish their doctors could experience afib just once so they might better understand what we afib patients go through. Dr. John Mandrola, a Louisville-based electrophysiologist and a bike racer, just shared his story of experiencing atrial fibrillation and how it made him a more empathic doctor. …

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