We know that more men than women have atrial fibrillation, but that women have a higher rate of strokes and death. In fact, women account for about 61% of stroke deaths. Recent research at Rush University Medical Center identified nine specific gender differences between women and men who have atrial fibrillation. Those included that women …
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Dr. Bill Frist Discusses AF Stat™: A Call to Action for Atrial Fibrillation and His New Book — Video
Recently, we at StopAfib.org had the opportunity to talk with The Honorable William H. Frist, MD, Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, heart and lung transplant surgeon, and AF Stat Policy Advisor about AF Stat™: A Call to Action for Atrial Fibrillation. We also got a "scoop" about his new book, A Heart to Serve. See …
Read MoreYou’re Invited to Detroit and Lansing Atrial Fibrillation Patient Education Forums — 9/23/09–9/25/09
If you're in the Detroit or Lansing, MI areas, please come join us for complimentary afib patient education forums this week. To learn more about each event, see the links below: Detroit Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Education Events - 9/23/2009 & 9/24/2009 Lansing, Michigan Atrial Fibrillation Patient Education Forum - 9/25/2009
Read MoreHealthcare leaders working to improve the health and well-being of people affected by atrial fibrillation, called AF StatTM: A Call to Action for Atrial Fibrillation, have just rolled out two reports, the AF Stat Call to Action for Atrial Fibrillation and Medicare and Atrial Fibrillation: Consequences in Cost and Care. You'll find the AF Stat …
Read MoreStopAfib.org is excited to announce that the U.S. Senate adopted, under unanimous consent, S. Res. 262, a resolution designating September 2009 as National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month. We especially want to thank Sen. Feingold for his work in getting the resolution approved this month. We continue to work diligently to move this forward in the …
Read MoreAF StatTM: A Call to Action for Atrial Fibrillation is a collaboration of healthcare leaders and organizations working to improve the health and well-being of people affected by atrial fibrillation. Next Wednesday, AF Stat will be holding a webcast and all afib patients, caregivers, and stakeholders are invited to attend. This webcast will not cover …
Read MorePat Robertson, Founder and Chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), recently had the Convergent Procedure for his atrial fibrillation, which in this case was accompanied by removal of his left atrial appendage. The Convergent Procedure for atrial fibrillation involves radio-frequency surgery followed by a radio-frequency catheter ablation, both of which are done in a …
Read MoreThis September, StopAfib.org marks the third year of celebrating Atrial Fibrillation Month to raise awareness of atrial fibrillation (afib), an expensive and life-threatening irregular heartbeat that is a common cause of stroke. StopAfib.org founder, Mellanie True Hills, knows the toll that atrial fibrillation takes on those with it and their families. After surviving blood clots …
Read MoreThere is a lot of big news coming out of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) going on in Barcelona right now. Judging by attendance, this is probably the biggest cardiology event in the world. The big announcement for atrial fibrillation sufferers is the progress towards a replacement for Coumadin (warfarin) coming out of the …
Read MoreIf you have atrial fibrillation, how do you know your risk of stroke and whether or not you should be taking Coumadin® or warfarin? Dr. Manish Shah talks about the CHADS2 scoring system that addresses this afib controversy and how your doctor will assess your CHADS2 score. Dr. Shah is …
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