Special December Discount on AfibAlert® Standalone Heart Monitor for Detecting Atrial Fibrillation
December 9, 2015
- Summary: Special December discount for AfibAlert®, an FDA-approved standalone heart monitor for detecting atrial fibrillation.
- Reading time: 2–3 minutes
The AfibAlert®, by Lohman Technologies, is an FDA-approved standalone (no phone needed) heart monitor for detecting afib. It is portable and easy to use, and takes accurate ECG readings.
Patients can use AfibAlert® to take readings and transmit them to their physician or to a specialized receiving center for interpretation. It is designed for the patient whose atrial fibrillation comes and goes (called paroxysmal).
For more information on AfibAlert®, visit http://www.lohmantech.com/store/.
The AfibAlert® device is sold with a one year warranty and one year of web access.
Lohman Technologies is offering a DECEMBER 2015 SPECIAL of $199 for the AfibAlert®. The normal price is $349.
Please follow the steps below to purchase AfibAlert® at your special price. You will need a VALID PRESCRIPTION to receive your device.
- Visit the AfibAlert Store and click on VIEW DETAILS foryour preferred device.
- Click on ADD TO CART, and then click on VIEW CART at the top of the page..
- Click the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button.
- Enter your billing and shipping details, and if you have it, enter your prescription information in the Medical Information section.
- Select your preferred payment method—check or credit card—and then click the BLACK PLACE ORDER BUTTON to complete your order.
If you need to submit your prescription, you may either:
- Fax to (262) 820-1509 – or –
- Email to websupport@lohmantech.com
If you cannot get a prescription until after the holidays, you can order your device now at this special price and your AfibAlert® will ship once your prescription is received.
Limited time only. Offer expires at the end of the month, December 31, 2015.